2008年8月17日 星期日


97年度「飛行常備軍官班」第2次招生97年度「飛行常備軍官班」第2次報名自97年9月8日起至9月19日止,招收65員未役未婚之男性社會青年參加為期2年軍事、飛行訓練,訓練地點位於高雄縣岡山「空軍軍官學校」,訓練內容包含:入伍教育4週、基本傘塔訓練1週、基本航空理論課程與軍事課程30週、飛行前置訓練2週(求生訓練、航空生理訓練、離心機訓練)、基礎飛行訓練(基本組T-34C型機)與專業飛行訓練(戰鬥組AT-3型機)66週及階段假2週。受訓期間提供每月新台幣1萬4千餘元零用金,受訓成績及格後頒授飛行胸章並授予空軍少尉服役14年報名條件:(招生資格標準限制以招生簡章上之規定為主)(1)國內(外)公立或已立案之私立大學及獨立學院畢業取得學士學位者。(2)年齡介於21歲至26歲(民國71年1月1日至76年12月31日出生)。(3)完成空勤體格檢查並符合飛行生標準(I體位):(a) 身高:160至190公分。(b) 體重:按BMI甲等體位標準,範圍18至28。(c) 視力:兩眼裸視各在0.8(含)以上,未曾實施角膜外科矯正(RK、ALK、PRK、LASIK及角膜塑型片)者。(d) 顏面傷殘、青蛙腿、扁平足、斷指者,經指定醫院檢查不符招生簡 章所訂標準者,不受理報考。凡身體任何部分有刺青(紋身)者一律不合格,不受理報考。(e) 其他各項檢查標準依97年度飛行常備軍官班學生體檢體格區分表辦理。報名程序:(1)體格初檢:請先行至「國軍人才招募中心」全球資訊網預約空勤體檢(,並於指定醫院完成體檢後10個工作天領取體檢報告。(2)報名作業:於報名截止日前檢附報名資料,並以通信方式掛號郵寄「高雄縣岡山鎮介壽西路西首1號,空軍飛行常備軍官班招生委員會」收,報名資料如下:(a)親筆填妥「報名表」乙份(b)2吋彩色照片乙張(製作准考證用)(c)身分證影本(正反面)乙份(d)含家長在內之戶籍謄本正本乙份(e)畢業證書影本乙份(f)僑生或持國外大學學歷者應檢附之相關證明文件(g)曾參與當年度預官、軍事院校考選人員,智力測驗成績如已達100分以上者,檢附成績單影印本可免試。諮詢專線:空軍軍官學校 TEL:07-6254800 網址:http://cafa.dianfan.com.tw/index.asp國軍人才招募中心TEL:0800-000050 網址:http://rdrc.mnd.gov.tw/

2007年6月2日 星期六

英文作文(Does College Expand Your Mind?)

We are civil people, so when we were born in the world, we have to contact the education. And education is also multiform in our society. When we contact the education, we have to study in the kinder garden first. Little by little, we have to study in the elementary school; even so we can adapt our society slowly.
I am a cultured human being, too. So I have to go to the school. And I also accord sequence. Unhurriedly I study in the college, too. When I study in the college, I descry that our school is very beautiful. Under the environment of this daintiness, our carefree growth learns. The school scenery is beautiful, there is verdant and outstanding royal palm, hanging the old banyan of a beard, with have the Indian almond … of the fan form leaf etc., becomes Small Park that the green studded with. There are also many students in the school, so I could have diverse friend, which administer to know varied people in agricultural society.
College also makes up expand our body and mind that could let us access community so that we will become real public people.

2007年5月9日 星期三

Red Cross
Topic: Helping where it’s most needed
Subtitle: Where you find misfortune, you’ll find the helping organization (non-profit organization NPO) such as Red Cross
I. disaster= casualty, calamity misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, tragedy, accident
II. massive power of nature (typhoons & hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquake & tsunami and draught)Therefore, government and helping organization cooperate with each others.Global response:1. Which one is become the world’s second larges international organization? Why?2. How did the Red Cross coordinate the call in the local devastated area? 3. What did the Red Cross help these victims to cure (treat) the disaster relief?Word list: donate (v) donation (n) donation charity 慈善義賣temporary (aj.)= shortVolunteers:What jobs did the volunteers be trained in skills at the Red Cross?Word list: urban/ suburb, victim= sufferer, 1oserWorking together:Cooperate (v) cooperation (n)請敘述紅十字會之父故事 P.18 *Briefly describe the father of Red Cross請回答下列問題P. 17 (共三題)

2007年3月24日 星期六

英文作文(A Friend to My Life)

If you are human beings, you have to learn social contact. Because it is very important to us. There are not only you in this world, so you must interact with other people. This is concern about person to person. So to know friends is very normal and important. There are a lot of kinds of friend. Everyone has different breed of friend, because they have disparate demand in their friend. There is good friend in the world; of course there is bad friend in the world, too. In other word, good friends have many benefits to us, and bad friend could bring us to the Abandon.
I am a man, too. So I have to have friends. I had a friend when I was in junior high school. At the very start, I assumed that he was my sworn followers. We played games, ate, studied, and chatted together. I thought of him when I had good things. Suddenly, there was a thing about us. But he circumvented me, let me have embarrassment. I understood him since that thing happened. Although he was sorry about that, I realized that this was his habitude. Now I do not get in touch with him.
Sometimes, we know a new friend. We will let him look on as good friend. I think that it is very stupid. We should easy do it, or you will like me. I am bamboozled affection. I hope that everybody could have many diehard followers, and be happy every day.


1. Trust men and they will be true to you. 相信他們,他們才會對你忠誠( 信人者人恆信之)
2. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父親是寶藏,兄弟是安逸,但朋友兩者皆是。
3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之友才是真友。
4. A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二個自己。
5. A friend is best found in adversity. 災難見真友。風雨故人來。
6. A friend is proved in distress. 災難見真友。
7. A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same. 朋友就是一位最能了解你,同樣關愛你的人
8. A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. 朋友應該容忍朋友的缺點。
9. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。
10. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 與其袋中有錢,不如朝中有人。

2007年2月13日 星期二

New semester;New hope!

Hi ,everybody! My name is Cliff.
Though my English is not very good ,I will concentrate on English class. I hope I will pass in this semester ,so I will keep working hard in my English~~!!! I am very happy to meet the new English teacher~~ My favorite sport is swimming. Welcome to my blog~~~